Response to Simulations - Jean Baudrillard
The content of Simulations by philosophy Jean Baudrillard is quite challenging to digest for me not only as it deals with a very abstract concept but also because it consists of many philosophical and religious terminologies that I am not very familiar with.
In the first section of the book, Baudrillard seems to hint that in our postmodern world, the distinction between signs of the real and the real, or nature and artifice, is more or less eradicated, as our dependence on maps and models of the real world increases, our ability to make sense of the world that precedes the maps and models decrease.
In today's world, I believe Baudrillard's idea can be seen in many aspects of our everyday lives, one of which could be the media and how it portrays and populates its view in to its viewers. Nowadays, we are so used to viewing the world and other people through the lens of resources from television or the internet that we usually forget to look at the real world itself and have our own opinions based on the real. The bias that the media put on us then become our own conscious and the media's simulated images tend to become the real.
The concept of 'Post-modernism' was largely informed by this book. Don't know if our world of google would exist without these ideas being out there. I sometimes can't remember if i've been somewhere or just looked at it in street view.