Blog post #12
In this section of the book, Baudrillard describes his view of the second order of simulacra: the industrial era. With his idea, I feel like everything in this world can be described as simulation or simulacra. And indeed, it is. In the industrial era, mass production creates millions of millions of similar objects (simulation of each other), so much that the uniqueness of each object is no longer important. And, robot, or machine, is a simulation, or maybe, simulacra of human labor, since the existence of machine and the fact that it simulates exactly, or even better than, what we do in production almost completely wiped out human labor in production. In fact, "the machine is man's equivalent" [p.93]. It is funny that how we used to be so proud of our ability to use tools and make one thing from another. And now, it is also us, in order to be more productive in such task, who created something that later on totally eradicates ourself from the production scene.
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