Project Final Wrap-up

For the final project, I made a soundtrack using Logic Pro and experimented with various recording techniques. I did not have any experience in recording and thus the process was much more difficult than I expected. Getting familiar with all the tools available in Logic Pro was overwhelming enough, and then it came to the endless possibilities of manipulating sounds with frequencies and effects. Nonetheless, I am glad that I finally got something. The music was inspired by soundtracks from the Stranger Things series on Netflix, and the contents of Baudrillard's Simulations. Sadly, the music took me so long that I did not have a chance to make an animated video to go with it. I ended up using a charcoal drawing of mine because I think it goes quite well the theme of the music.

The past 9 weeks in New Media was very fun, while challenging. I find Baudrillard's Simulations to be quite complicated and sometimes hard to understand (probably because of my limited English proficiency as well as the philosophical language used). However, from what I could understand from the book, I find a lot of Baudrillard's ideas to be very interesting, in the way that he describes the world under a whole new perspective (at least to me). It is also fascinating to see such ideas connected to art.


  1. The music is awesome!! I love it! There is a point where there are so many things going on at the same time but still pretty organized! This is so expressed, very nice! And I do agree the philosophical words issue is a huge problem, I found I end of learning so many words that I might never use again in the future. But anyway well done!


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